#!/usr/bin/python # # W Cooke - 26/01/2014 # I have no idea what I'm doing. # ## Things to do # Build scheduler import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn import threading import json debug=True GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) ## Input GPIOs hw_switch = 24 ch_switch = 23 inputs=[hw_switch, ch_switch] ## Output GPIOs hw_led = 7 ch_led = 8 sig_led = 25 psu_relay = 17 ch_on_relay = 21 hw_on_relay = 22 hw_off_relay = 18 leds = [hw_led, ch_led, sig_led] relays = [ch_on_relay, hw_on_relay,hw_off_relay, psu_relay] ## Globals press_time = {} release_time = {} hw_override = False ch_override = False psu = False global hw_off_time global ch_off_time hw_off_time = False ch_off_time = False ## Set up inputs & outputs for each in inputs: GPIO.setup(each,GPIO.IN) GPIO.add_event_detect(each, GPIO.FALLING) for item in [relays, leds]: for each in item: GPIO.setup(each, GPIO.OUT, initial=True) def log(message): if debug: print message def set_gpio_state(gpio, state): if gpio not in relays and gpio not in leds: return False else: if gpio in relays: GPIO.output(gpio, not state) else: GPIO.output(gpio, state) return True ## Necessary evil class HTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): sys_version="0.00" server_version="PiWarmer HTTP API Server/" def send_headers(self,code): BaseHTTPRequestHandler.send_response(self, code) self.send_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") self.end_headers() def send_response(self, code=200, data=''): self.send_headers(code) if type(data) == dict: data = json.dumps(data) self.wfile.write(data) def do_POST(self): request = self.path.split('/') response_dict={} if request[1] == 'set': if request[2] == 'hw': if request[3] == 'on': try: if int(request[4]) < 240: run_length = int(request[4]) else: run_length = 60 except: run_length = 60 state = hw_state(True) response_dict['state']=state if state: global hw_off_time hw_off_time=(datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=run_length)) else: global hw_off_time response_dict['offtime']=to_epoch(hw_off_time) response_dict['result']=True code=200 elif request[3] == 'off': state = hw_state(False) response_dict['state']=state response_dict['result']=True code = 200 else: code=400 response_dict['result']=False elif request[2] == 'ch': if request[3] == 'on': try: print int(request[4]) if int(request[4]) < 240: run_length = int(request[4]) else: run_length = 60 except: run_length = 60 state = ch_state(True) response_dict['state']=state if state: global ch_off_time ch_off_time=(datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=run_length)) else: global ch_off_time response_dict['offtime']=to_epoch(ch_off_time) response_dict['result']=True code=200 elif request[3] == 'off': state=ch_state(False) response_dict['state']=state response_dict['result']=True code = 200 else: code=400 response_dict['result']=False else: code=403 response_dict['result']=False else: code=403 response_dict['result']=False self.send_response(code,response_dict) return def do_GET(self): # /set/hw/on/[mins] # /set/ch/on/[mins] # /get/hw # /get/ch # JSON struct # result: - was the request actioned? # state: - what is the state of the thing that was asked for? # [offtime: - if state = on, what time will it go off?] # request = self.path.split('/') response_dict = {} if request[1] == 'get': if request[2] == 'hw': state = get_gpio_state(hw_on_relay) response_dict['state']=state if state: global hw_off_time response_dict['offtime']=to_epoch(hw_off_time) response_dict['result']=True code = 200 elif request[2] == 'ch': state = get_gpio_state(ch_on_relay) response_dict['state']=state if state: global ch_off_time response_dict['offtime']=to_epoch(ch_off_time) response_dict['result']=True code=200 else: code=400 response_dict['result']=False else: code=403 response_dict['result']=False self.send_response(code,response_dict) return class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): allow_reuse_address = True def shutdown(self): self.socket.close() HTTPServer.shutdown(self) class SimpleHttpServer(): def __init__(self, ip='', port=80): self.server = ThreadedHTTPServer((ip,port), HTTPRequestHandler) def start(self): self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever) self.server_thread.daemon = True self.server_thread.start() def waitForThread(self): self.server_thread.join() def stop(self): self.server.shutdown() self.waitForThread() def to_epoch(dt): return int(time.mktime(dt.timetuple())) def get_gpio_state(gpio): if gpio not in relays and gpio not in leds: return False else: # The relay logic is inverted. i.e. setting a GPIO to False switches the relay on if gpio in relays: return not GPIO.input(gpio) else: return GPIO.input(gpio) def get_current_status(): hw_on_state = get_gpio_state(hw_on_relay) hw_off_state = get_gpio_state(hw_off_relay) ch_on_state = get_gpio_state(ch_on_relay) return (hw_on_state,hw_off_state,ch_on_state) def output_test(): for outputs in [relays, leds]: for each in outputs: if each == psu_relay: continue set_gpio_state(each, True) log("Testing output: "+str(each)) time.sleep(0.1) set_gpio_state(each, False) time.sleep(0.1) def rest(psu, start_loop): if psu: nap = 0.3 else: nap = 1 rest_time = (start_loop+nap)-start_loop #log("Rest time: "+str(rest_time)) time.sleep(rest_time) def error_flash(): set_gpio_state(sig_led, False) for x in range(10): for each in leds: set_gpio_state(each, not GPIO.input(each)) time.sleep(0.15) def activate_board(state): for output in [relays,leds]: for each in output: set_gpio_state(each, False) if state == True: set_gpio_state(psu_relay, True) log("MAIN POWER ON") return True else: global hw_off_time global ch_off_time hw_off_time = False ch_off_time = False log("MAIN POWER OFF") return False def schedule(): global hw_off_time global ch_off_time now = datetime.now() if ch_off_time is not False: if now > ch_off_time: ch_state(False) ch_off_time = False if hw_off_time is not False: if now > hw_off_time: hw_state(False) hw_off_time = False def button_press(channel): # Assume all presses are activate on falling edge # So all GPIOs have pull-up. press_time[channel] = time.time() a = 0 while not GPIO.input(channel) and a < 150: time.sleep(0.02) a+=1 hold_time = time.time()-press_time[channel] if hold_time > 0.006: # extra debouncing, this will vary with the size of your debouncing caps #log("Released! Hold time ("+str(channel)+": " + str(hold_time)) return (True,hold_time) else: return (False,-1) def active(state): if state: set_gpio_state(sig_led, not GPIO.input(sig_led)) else: set_gpio_state(sig_led, not GPIO.input(sig_led)) set_gpio_state(hw_led, not GPIO.input(hw_led)) # Do schedule check stuff return True ######## # Function | HW_OFF | HW_ON | CH_ON # All off | 0 | 0 | 0 # HW Only | 0 | 1 | 0 # CH Only | 1 | 0 | 1 # All on | 0 | 1 | 1 ######## def hw_state(state): hw_on_state,hw_off_state,ch_on_state=get_current_status() if state == hw_on_state: return False if not psu: return False if state: if ch_on_state: set_gpio_state(hw_off_relay, False) set_gpio_state(hw_on_relay, True) else: set_gpio_state(hw_on_relay, True) set_gpio_state(hw_led, True) log("HW ON") return True if state == False: global hw_off_time if ch_on_state: set_gpio_state(hw_on_relay, False) set_gpio_state(hw_off_relay, True) else: set_gpio_state(hw_on_relay, False) set_gpio_state(hw_led, False) hw_off_time = False log("HW OFF") return False def ch_state(state): global psu hw_on_state,hw_off_state,ch_on_state=get_current_status() if state == ch_on_state: return False if not psu: return False if state: if hw_on_state == False: set_gpio_state(ch_on_relay, True) set_gpio_state(hw_off_relay, True) if hw_on_state: set_gpio_state(ch_on_relay, True) set_gpio_state(ch_led, True) log("CH ON") return True if state == False: global ch_off_time if hw_on_state: set_gpio_state(ch_on_relay, False) if hw_on_state == False: set_gpio_state(ch_on_relay, False) set_gpio_state(hw_off_relay, False) set_gpio_state(ch_led, False) ch_off_time = False log("CH OFF") return False def main(): try: output_test() global psu global hw_off_time global ch_off_time psu=False log("Running...") while True: start_loop=time.time() if GPIO.event_detected(hw_switch): real,ptime = button_press(hw_switch) if real and ptime > 1.5: # Long press on left button means toggle main power psu=activate_board(not get_gpio_state(psu_relay)) elif real: # Toggle HW if psu: state = hw_state(not get_gpio_state(hw_on_relay)) if state: global hw_off_time hw_off_time=(datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=20)) else: error_flash() elif GPIO.event_detected(ch_switch): real,ptime = button_press(ch_switch) if real: if psu: state=ch_state(not get_gpio_state(ch_on_relay)) if state: global ch_off_time ch_off_time=(datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=20)) else: error_flash() else: if psu: schedule() active(psu) rest(psu,start_loop) finally: print "Cleaning up" GPIO.cleanup() server.stop() #raise if __name__=="__main__": server = SimpleHttpServer() server.start() main()